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Monday Soloist

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An Ode to the Monday Morning Soloist

She pulls into the parking lot of the library, away from familial responsibility, where she plans to get things sorted out for the week ahead. Mind and body are tired, yet she still is ready to push ahead. She calls a fellow solopreneur to wish her a great week and shares a virtual laugh and fist bump. When she walks in the building, she passes tables of kids and parents with tidy spheres of chaos contained in the front section and retirees and tutors trying to establish routine with their open schedule in the back. 

She quietly sits in the farthest seat near the back window overlooking the man-made marsh rendered beautiful by the gorgeous sun. She exhales before opening her computer and viewing all the things she was not able to attend to over the weekend. "Some guys have all the luck" blasted Rod Steward from her laptop speakers. She frantically logged on and turned down the volume. Embarrassed, she sat looking around with a jolt of energy. 

Softly, from the other side of the partition, she heard someone softly singing "Wo-oh Woo hoo Woo-oh-oh". It was at this point, she realized there were other solopreneurs out here, lurking behind the partitions. Feeling good about not having the low-risk monotony of a 9 to 5 but a little frightened at the uncertainty each new week brings to new business.


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