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Press Release

Ann Arbor Workshop to Help Writers Get Found by the Right People

Twitter: @CWechner

Summary: Southeast Michigan professional writer and marketer Leslie McGraw and publisher Heather Buchanan-Gueringer will present on August 9 in Ann Arbor to help writers learn how to create opportunities and improve their chances of getting discovered.

Ann Arbor, MI – Many writers in Southeast Michigan and all over have a passion either writing or the topic they cover; however, there are bills to pay, and writing does not really seem to be paying those.  Most writers are not sure how to make enough money to pursue their passion, even though they are truly good writers.  People who read what they write enjoy it, but not many people are in position to read it, because they do not even know these writers exist, much less know to read what they have written, but a couple of local professionals are offering help.

There will be an upcoming event to help writers and bloggers put themselves and their work in front of more people so that they can be discovered.  On August 9 in Ann Arbor, owner of Les Go Social Media Marketing & Training Leslie McGraw and owner of Aquarius Press and Willow Books Heather Buchanan-Gueringer will team to present a workshop, “Marketing Success for Writers.”

Co-event sponsor Leslie McGraw ( shares, “As a writer myself, I know how hard it is to market your work…when I say hard, I mean internally.”

Knowing that many writers and bloggers become disillusioned and discouraged, McGraw continues to explain, “Just as young ladies are brought up with tales of princes and fairy godmothers, new writers come with legends of self-published books that went from the trunk to the best seller's list or fairy booksellers that will pay you to sit back and do talks while they fund and provide all the marketing sans elbow grease from the author.”

This event for Ann Arbor writers will cover several topics:
-What type of marketing commitment new authors should expect to give.
-The importance in knowing your readers online - and how to find them.
-To blog or not to blog - benefits and risks.
-Digital tools for writers.
-2013 best social media platforms for writers.

Many writers are not sure how to get found, but Leslie McGraw and Heather Buchanan-Gueringer are looking to help writers sidestep that problem.  For more information or to register for this event, you can visit

About Leslie McGraw: Leslie 'Les Go' McGraw, Owner and Founder of Les Go Social Media Marketing and Training, discovered the power of the pen in the third grade after her family moved to a new school district. Writing became a way to sort out her new surroundings and escape to fantasy landscapes. That child, and voice, has matured into a poet, writer, blogger, journalist, online content creator, and editor.

In addition to her strong work ethic, Leslie possesses many valuable skills and personal strengths that contribute to her success, including: creativity and the ability to think outside the box; and, most importantly for us, a willingness to be an effective team player. For more information about how Leslie McGraw might be able to help you with your business, you can visit

About Heather Buchanan-Gueringer: Heather is a writer, publisher, and distributor. She has her finger on the pulse of what publishers, especially small presses are looking for in a author. She  will add another dimension to the workshop that writers and authors at any stage can benefit from. Additional information on Heather can be found at

Contact Info:
Name: Leslie McGraw
Company: Les Go Social Media Marketing & Training
Email: Leslie AT


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