For small business owners and technology users, integrating new technology can seem daunting. Some
people resist the idea of learning something new, and it's not uncommon to hear
employees say, "We already have a system that works." Of course you
already have a system — it's a question of whether that system works well, or
whether it can be improved.
Even more than fear of new technology,
the biggest challenge for many large corporations is employee attitudes about
change. Fourty-four percent of CEOs cite employee resistance to change as their
top obstacle in adapting new technology.
Drop the Decision to Adopt New
Technology on Employees in an Email.
Many large corporations deliver
major changes to employees with an email to their supervisors, followed by a
condensed version to their subordinates. This does nothing to address
employees' feelings of being undervalued or their anxiety about performing well
with the new technology.
Talk To Employees.
Employees should be given time to
"soak in" the new change. As you shop around for new document
management software, use information from customer service representatives to
highlight the top benefits. Whether it is via formal meetings or informal talks
with employees, ask them about their frustrations. If you have more than 10
employees, a quick survey might serve better. Listen to what is preventing them
from excelling at their job. Whether it is lack of education or training, too many
tasks for the time allotted, no one to back them up during a busy time or
vacation vacancies, a good document management system can help improve this
situation. Equipping employees with the tools they need to excel is sometimes
the best motivation you can offer.
Educate Employees.
Taking the time to educate your workers (or reminding yourself) about
each piece of technology and how it will eventually ease everyone's workload will increase employee
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